Samstag, 29. April 2017


Dear Friends !!

Nowerdays I am still stuck in Babylon.
I mean I am forced to stay in Berlin some times by monetary reason.
I am awaiting my heritage - my parents are gone now - and they left a small fortune for me.

I am waiting for things to be sort out, so I can plan the future, for me and Spike.

 >>>  ...  : US & THEM

We both want to move to France for a while.
There is a place for people like me - called the "postpsychiatrie" .
It is a kind of refuge for victims or survivors of the psychiatrie system.

Since a year or so, I left the "system" and reject forced medication.
So far - I get along very well. 

From day to day I feel a kind of recovery that gives me good feeling in the whole.
Long missed emotions and consciousness are possible.
So I am on a way of real recovery after almost thirty years of coerced treatment.

For what ??

I experianced a severe psychosis - my second in my life (after 1982) - around 1987 to 1993 - but recovered slowly by the time.
I was bound to join the psychiatric movement and lost nearly everything I ever had.
Material and even my human rights had been cut.
No chance to work or even to make my lving on my own anymore!!

I started  to practise OutSiderArt - which gives a lot of pleasure and helps to express what you feel and see.

>>>  ...  : OutSiderArt

This closes the ring for me because I studied Art at the H.d.K.-Berlin from 1989 to 1993, with the aim to finish as an arttherapist.
It didnt happen because I was forced to stay in this coercive system that does not allow anything like this.
Nowerdays there is a shift in paradigma and peers of the system are highly preferred to change that old system into somewhat humane issue.

An Example of a shift eg. progress in thinking :  

 Overshooting / Schizophrenia / New Paradigma / Torture

So I absoved an education with "Experianced Involvement" -  a recovery movement that allows the applicant to work as a professional on eye to eye level - as expert by experiance (Recovery Guide) - with everybody else tied with the psychiatric system. 

Since 2008 I work in an honorable condition at my Initiative SnowVhite - a soteria and place for psychiatric vivtims to recover.
I specialized in Psyche & Addiction as a certified Recovery Guide.

This Initiative is running well and there is always somebody in need.

Since that time I also engaged in german network of voice hearing people - which I experianced myself  for about 25 years, but managed to get rid of the voices a couple of years ago - there is a severe tinnitus and loss of hearing capacity forced by maltreatment of medication.

After all I am lucky to have survived that kind of treatment - a lot of my companions on the wy are dead now.

Very sad !!!

Now is the time to look forward and start something new.
It is the third part of my life after having lived the freedom of a globetrotter and sailor after leaving the boring and useless living system we are forced to live in our socalled "western world".
I know a lot of places and possibilities to live a life you want to - without forced to join the "rat race".
I experianced the coercive "healing system" or what they call it - with a great loss of time and all my chances are taken away by this system.
Even my financial status is fiixed underneath the existing level - I was forced to give them my fortune I had - in turn I live a forced poorness ordered by state.

So what I try - is to break out a second time!!!

I am nowerdays experianced enough, not to do the same mistakes I did - I was very naive and unexperianced those times expecting something like real help that make any sence.

I got fucked up where I went!!! 

So I am on my own with my dog - and I am on the move again.

First stop will be CAMPUS VIVENDI in France - a place where I will meditate and plan the rest of my life ...

>>>  ...  : PostPsychiatricRefuge

So let see what is going on in the world, that is going more and more into a catastrophic direction.

See my opinion expressed in Art ...  :   OUTLOOK

Fortunately I do have some ties I really like and I will not forget.
>>>  !!!  ...  :  Sarah Johanna Eick

See ya over there !!!!